Our love story

Ohhh love. It’s such a beautiful thing, isn’t it? It can make you the absolute happiest person in the world, it makes you smile from ear to ear, and it makes you feel wholesome and wanted; but, it can also break you into a million fucking pieces. I experienced both the good and the bad side of love at a young age. However, when I look back at it, I’m thankful for it every day.

Our not so short love story:

It was my freshman year of high school, his sophomore year. I walked into Japanese class and sat down next to a couple of my friends. As class was getting ready to start, I saw a cute guy in a letterman jacket walk into the room. Immediately he and the teacher started discussing sports, and how great they’re going to do this year (wrestling team I think??). I remember immediately thinking to myself that he was prob a big douche bag lol. About a month later he and I became really really good friends. We listened to music together, talked about our love lives and had a lot in common! He made class a lot more fun. I distinctly remember when he and his gf at the time got into a fight. I had the idea to make her a piece of jewelry out of my bracelet that just got broken in PE class lol. We continued to be friends and about 8ish months later we started dating. We dated for 3 years in high school, and I had that high school relationship we all see in movies hahaha. I was dating the 3 sport athlete who was captain of everything, who was cute and who had that beat up but cool truck lol. Sounds so lame now but I truly felt like the luckiest girl in the world bahahaha. 

Fast forward to the end of his senior year of HS and my junior year. We decided to go our separate ways. He was going into his freshman year of college and he deserved to go into it single. I was going into my senior year of high school and I deserved to go into it single, too. The reason being, we literally had no idea who we were without one another. Now I know that sounds crazy/dumb because we were so young, but truly, everyone knew us as ‘Dalton + Sumire’, we were a package deal. We did everything together. We even stayed the night at eachother house on school nights (so crazy our parents let us do that). He was my best fucking friend. So of course it hurt for us to go our separate ways, but it happened for the best. Looking back at it, we were both extremely mature about this decision. We knew that if we were truly meant to be together, one day we would find each other again. So, he went off to play college football in Los Angeles, and I made my senior year one to remember. 

the day of his his high school graduation! 2013

As time went on without one another, we both experienced a new world. I graduated from high school and I moved to Santa Barbara, CA. This was kind of nerve racking for me because I knew we were only a few hours away from each other compared to the 8 hours in HS. But, I used it as motivation because I remembered we did this for a reason. Let me just say, it wasn’t easy to remember when all my college friends would tell me they saw us getting back together. I distinctly remember being naive, coy and hard headed about this topic. I told them it would literally never happen. Why? Because in my heart I wanted him so badly, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up just for them to be crushed in the end, BUT I knew I needed to take this time for MYSELF! I needed to meet new people, experience new places and much more. Soooo, what does an 18 year old college girl do when she just moved to Santa Barbara? You party. A LOT! 😉 

For two years, we both dated/met other people, experienced new places, and grew as individuals. And then one day, I got a phone call from his dad. He told me Dalton wasn’t being himself, and he didn’t want to talk to anyone. He asked me to call him because he knew I would be the only person he would talk to. With butterflies in my stomach, I called him. I kid you not, we talked for 4 hours which felt like 4 minutes. We had so much to talk about and so much to tell each other. After that conversation, we texted daily for hours upon hours. A few weeks later, he asked me to come to LA to celebrate his 21st birthday with him and his family. As excited as I was, I had every emotion running through me, and every question running through my mind. What if we changed as people? What if he doesn’t find me attractive? What if I don’t find him attractive? What if we don’t connect in person like we do in text? Well, I got to his house and let me tell you, I WAS STILL VERY MUCH ATTRACTED TO THAT BOY. I also knew he was attracted to me too because when he saw me, he said “Wow, you look better than I remember” 😉 I went to the LA county fair and spent the most amazing day with him and his family. While at the fair, he held my hand and the butterflies started going crazy. It was electric. This was when I knew I needed him in my life again.  After the fair, we all went to dinner and then back to his place. His parents left to a hotel and it was just us two. We went to his room, watched a movie and talked about everything. I was still so in love with this boy.

this photo was taken on the day of his 21st birthday. the day we saw each other again. his mama said she wanted a pic and i’m so thankful she did. 🙂

I didn’t know whether I was going to stay the night or not, but ya girl sure did! And yes, you can guess it, we had an amazing night together. 😉 This may be gross lol but no joke, after we had sex, I HAD THE MOST INSANE BUTTERFLIES THAT I LITERALLY THREW UP! Sexy right? Then we cuddled and just talked all night about us dating other people, what we experienced without each other and so much more. I remember thinking to myself, “Does he think i’m a slut that I slept with him the first night I saw him?!” but nope, homeboy said he needed him some Sumi lol. After that night, we talked every. single. day. all day. Fast forward a couple weeks to October 16, 2016, he asked me to be his girlfriend again. We did long distance for 2 years, and once I decided to go back to school and he graduated college, we moved in together in an apt in LA! While living in LA, Dalton decided to pursue a military career and joined the US Marine Corps as an officer. Doing so made us go back to being long distance for 8 months. Once he graduated from all the different military schooling, we were reunited in Virginia Beach, VA! We lived in an ocean side hotel for 3.5 months and I felt like the grown up version of Eloise lol. He proposed in Cape Charles, VA, and a month later we got married! All my hopes and dreams of marrying this boy since I was 15 have come true, and this is a story I cannot wait to tell our kids some day. I am so beyond thankful for all the obstacles our relationship went through, because it has turned us into the strong couple we are today. I will forever be grateful that I get to grow up and grow old with my best friend! This is only the beginning for us. 🙂

xoxo sumi 



  1. Madeeha Sheriff
    November 29, 2020 / 8:40 pm

    I just want to say that you and Dalton are such goals and I literally hope one day I meet a man that gives me the kind of butterflies you get with Dalton!! I am so beyond happy that you both were able to find your way back to one another because you truly are meant to be together <3
    Thank you so much for sharing your love story!! Love you and dalton so much!

    • December 1, 2020 / 5:53 pm

      Thank you so so much!! I truly appreciate you being here!

  2. December 3, 2020 / 12:55 am

    I have ALWAYS been the biggest cheerleader for this relationship and that will never change. Thank you for making my son’s life complete. I love you, Sumire. I am also very proud of you for finally taking the leap to get your blog up and running…and doing it in straight Sumire fashion. Poignant yet blunt. xo Mother In Love

    • December 13, 2020 / 9:34 pm

      Yes you have and I cannot thank you enough!! Thank you for everything! I love you more!

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